"In 1999, Ken Carter, a successful sporting goods store owner, accepts the job of basketball coach for his old high school in a poor area of Richmond, CA, where he was a champion athlete. After being dismayed by the poor attitudes of his players as well as their dismal play performance, he immediately imposes a strict regime typified in written contracts that include stipulations for respectful behavior, a dress code and good grades as requisites to being allowed to participate. The initial resistance from the boys is soon dispelled as the team under Carter's tutelage becomes a undefeated competitor in the games; however, the overconfident team's behavior begins to stray and Carter learns that too many players are doing poorly in class. He takes immediate action and cancels all team activities and locks the court until the team shows acceptable academic improvement. In the ensuing debate, Carter fights to keep his methods, determined to show the boys that they need to rely on more than sports for their futures and eventually finds he has affected them more profoundly than he ever expected."
- Written by Kenneth Chisholm (
Application of OB Concepts
- States of Change: Coach Carter's team underwent a series of changes that has whipped his formerly disorderly team to a disciplined one. The first state of change, unfreezing, was evident when Coach Carter implemented new qualifications for being in the team. He required his players to attend all of their classes, sit in the front rows of those classes, wear dress shirts and ties on game days, refer to everyone as "sir", and maintain a 2.3 GPA. He did this to eliminate the unruliness in his team's attitude and replace it with respectfulness, whether in class, during games, or in their everyday lives and to make them realize that they need education to be able to have a good future. Soon after his strict reinforcement of these requirements, his players were gradually changing and showing better plays and performances, after being faces with rebellious behavior many times. However, there was a relapse in the behavior in the players, specifically in their grades, as they grew overconfident with their undefeated record which made Coach Carter impose a gym lockout. After much issues about the lockout from the players, parents, and the school board, causing the coach to be nearly fired, Coach Carter was surprised to see the gym filled with desks and his players, along with their teachers, studying and trying to pull their grades up. The epilogue shows most of his players being able to graduate and get into college. At this point, the third stage, refreezing, is clearly seen, as what Coach Carter has tried to instill in his players are actually being practiced by them.
I think Coach Carter's methods were a bit too strict with his requirements and punishments that is why there was resistance at first. However, considering the brash attitude he was presented when he first met them, I begin to think that maybe what he did was right. He was able to make it up to his strictness by being the support his players needed when they had to solve their personal problems. Basing from the positive change that has transpired in his team, despite complaints about his methods, I believe Coach Carter has gotten my respect as a coach and an authoritative disciplinarian.